Add an event

This form allows you to enter your event for inclusion in our web site. The request will be checked before it's put online. Fill in the information and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'ADD ENTRY' to submit the information.
If your event is repeated several times, you'll be given a chance to give us those additional dates on the next page, we'll automatically copy your event to the extra days in the calendar.

Enter a start date and an end date for this event.Leave the day in the end date blank if this is a one-day event.
Start date

  End date

Enter a start an optional ending time (use the 24 hour clock - so 8pm is 2000), leave blank if this event does not have a specific time, or the times are contained in the explanatory text (entered below)
Start time

  End time

Enter a title for the event. Remember that the listing will appear among other events, so make the title specific. Please use proper capitalisation, not just upper case.

Enter a short description of the event:

Prices for this event - leave blank if pricing structure is complex:

The location of this event, please include a town or village name:

Enter a contact name for the event:

Enter contact phone number for the event:

Enter a contact email address. The address will not be placed visibly on the web, all email will be submitted using a form.

Event Web Address (omit any http://):

Your details
Please fill in these fields if they differ from the information you've submitted above, none of this information will be made public or supplied to any third party. We may use these details to verify the information you have submitted.
Your name:

Your relationship to the event:

Your phone number:

  Your extension: (leave blank if none)

Your email address:

Use this box to send any message to the moderator:

Enter the code from the image: 

Click here to add your entry

Submissions to this site are moderated, and we retain the right to refuse events or edit copy where appropriate.

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